Tuesday, 18 September 2012

AT&T announces record pre-orders for iPhone 5

AT&T announces record pre-orders for iPhone

AT&T has put out a rather barebones press release to say that, based on pre-orders, the iPhone 5 is their best selling iPhone ever. Since AT&T was the launch carrier for the original iPhone back in 2007, that includes all versions of the iPhone sold to date. Here's the relevant part from AT&T's PR:

AT&T set a sales record with iPhone 5 over the weekend, making it the fastest-selling iPhone the company has ever offered. Customers ordered more iPhones from AT&T than any previous model both on its first day of preorders and over the weekend.

Since the iPhone traditionally outsells all other phones on AT&T, does this mean the iPhone 5 isn't only the fastest selling iPhone to date, but the fastest selling smartphone period? Phone period? Sadly, AT&T didn't say, nor did they reveal any actual sales numbers. They spent the rest of the press release hyping their network.

Still, it's nice to know the release of a new iPhone remains a cause for accelerated growth on AT&T. If Apple holds to pattern, we should get a press release or statement from them later today with both a wider perspective and more solid numbers,

Pre-orders began on AT&T and other outlets began at 12:01am, Friday September 14 and launch day stock quickly sold out. Current shipping estimates for Apple and all major U.S. carriers are 2 - 3 weeks. That means, if you still want your iPhone 5 on launch, you'll need to head on over to an Apple Retail Store, or other retailer, and line on up.

If you pre-ordered your iPhone 5 from AT&T, let me know how the process went for you and if your order status has changed to "shipping" yet. If you have pre-orders your iPhone 5 yet, and are waiting to line up or to order later, check out our iPhone 5 buyers guide for everything you need to know.

Source: AT&T

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/zk9yvZ-Mmrk/story01.htm

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